Saturday, November 23, 2013

Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park

Winter weather
The school I worked at took a field trip to Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park. It was the first real cold day of the the fall. The wind was cold and sharp, I watched it push clouds over the Organs most of the morning. I forget how gorgeous southern New Mexico is sometimes. 
Picacho peak from a river levee 

Cottonwood sapling and clouds spilling over the Organ Mountains. (B&W HDR)

Friday, November 22, 2013

Moon Rise Timelapse

My first dedicated attempt at a timelapse, I messed up by changing the exposure settings halfway through the video, now I know better.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Rocky Mountain National Park

I was recently in Denver for an interview at the med school (great time), and while I was there I had the chance to visit Rocky Mountain National Park. The park was closed just 10 miles in but I was still able to hike around and enjoy the scenery. Cool fact, the headwaters of the Colorado River are in RMNP, I was able to hike up the same river that cuts through the grand canyon until it was wide enough to jump across. Such a cool day. 
Colorado River valley

Fall Colors

Colorado River Valley -- Tilt shift

Interstate Road