Monday, July 22, 2013


Strike over centennial high school, Just west of "A" mountain
It's thunderstorm season in New Mexico right now and I've been trying to get some good photos of lightning for several weeks now. The air around here is clear, and you can usually see the weather fronts from miles away, making for some pretty magnificent displays.

I chased storm clouds several days before I got any good shots. These are from up on a hill at the edge of town, we were watching the lightning to the south, when the storm moved in right on top of us from the East.

The shot with the lightning over the water tower was the last one I took. We could hear a wall of water moving in and we grabbed our gear and ran. We got back to the trucks just in time to avoid getting soaked. Fun times.

Right in front of a sheet of rain, which was moving fast.

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